So... I had been looking forward to seeing Angels and Demons; in part because I love fluff like that and in part because I think that story is much better than the DaVinci code. Dan Brown may be no where near the best writter in the world (OMG - sometimes I am reading it and thinking, is he in High School? Like, any time he tries to bring in romance and sexual attraction. It's not his strong suit. Leave it alone!), but he still can carry a good book with deception (abeit a bit see-through), conspiricy and action.

So, the movie... Well- aparently, we are back to those times when the movies a loosely based of the books. I understand there are time constraints, but this movie went pretty far off some of the book's points. And not in a good way, in my opinion. First off- (I will take it that this is more realistic though) there is a whole team working on creating anti-matter. So, the idea of recreating the "big bang," for which the creation on anti-matter is a bi-product and not the main point, is not important in this story. Which devalues the role of the priest/scientist at CERN. So, we have a team working on the project (yes, more realistic, but does take away a latter plot twist - although they weakly try to bring it in) and Vittoria is a member of the team who, with the priest, she is the main people in charge. Fine. But, NOTHING about the priest being Vittoria's (adopted) father and there is NO branding of the Illuminati symbol on the priest.
Second, the Vatican contacts Robert L and not CERN. In fact, the head of CERN is not in the story at all. Vatican wants Robert to come since he is so knowledgeable about Illuminati and his previous involvment with the church. Which leds to the film trying to cover this difference by showing a relectant Swiss Guard which doesn't make sense for, as Robert says, "You invited me." So, that whole dimention of science vs the Church is pretty much thrown out the window... (not good considering that is kinda' the point behind the Illuminati vs the Church)
So, they get going along the plot with the different parts of the path with minor changes... The assassin is NOT part of Hashshashin (, something I kinda' liked due to their part during the crusades, and he is not sadistic at all (they make him seem religous for some reason)... The first part of the path was filmed mid-day which bugged me because it's supposed to be 8 at night... Vittoria's position is lowered down to kinda' a side note... The Camerlengo is made less important within the Vatican... They have the main cardnal who presides over the conclave, give up his role to be included in the vote (makes him seem very political)... They kinda' skip over everything about the Illuminati and Gallieo besides making it since so much more-- bloody?
Third, they cut out the media. This can be seen as not important to the plot, but where it WAS important was how it made the Camerlengo so important to the Church and to the public. That speach about the war between science and the Church (which is much more harsh in the movie than how I read it), is done in the book in front of the media (BBC) and the media is following the path with them as the assassin contacts them so that they are aware of what is going on. It's sad they cut that out.
They cut out the romance, but I'm not sorry for that - as I said above - Dan Brown can't write romance. Besides, I don't like sex for the point of sex when everyone is going to die.
Fouth - they let the last cardnal live. WTF?!!!!
Fifth - they don't have Robert L go up in the hellicopter. Although I did think the fabric thing was pretty unlikely anyways, but it was a good ah ha moment for Robert L in the book. Plus, it let to the Camerlego's performance on the balcony afterwards.
Sixth - they don't explain AT ALL WHY this whole situation begins. Which is a HUGE point. I don't get why they don't bring that in AT ALL considering it's importance. I guess they though the conspiracy was more important that a motive.
So, overall, I was pretty disapointed and wish I hadn't read the book yet. F---- seemed to like it although he did see the parts that didn't make sense in the movie because they didn't go over them at all like in the book.
My rating: D
They let the last cardinal live? (by the way, note the spelling of cardInal).
ReplyDeleteRobert didn't go in the helli?
They don't brand Vittoria's adopted priest father?
Don't get your first point. So what if there is a team working on the big bang stuff. It still makes the big bang stuff important to the story because it is the "God Partical". I don't think the discovery of this partical would make God any less important but maybe some people would and nevertheless would feel this would attack religion's influence on people. So the fact that a priest would be working on this would be important. Please explain your point. :)
Lol - I need to spell check things. I saw a few other things that were wrong :)
ReplyDeleteNo - they DON'T say they are working on recreating the big bang. They say that are trying to CREATE anti-mater. So, there is not as big of a tie to the "God Particle" as there is in the book. That is the point - the fact that the priest is working on it and his tie to the (dead) pope is on the point that catalysts the entire situation of bringing up the Illuminati and so they lost that in the movie.
So, they take out the REASON for why this whole situation begins in two way - 1. nothing about the pope being the father 2. nothing about recreating the 'big bang' which brings together religion and science.
ReplyDeleteSo, they say in the movie that they are NOT working to create big bang, but just trying to create anti-matter. (which, the lab in Switzerland IS currently doing 'big bang' stuff, but that is another story full of pissed off American scientists)