It's funny; I like reading expat blogs, but haven't really LIVED overseas (I'll put over 1 month, although I suppose at my age it should at least be 1 year...) in, like, 9 years! My job is a daily involvement in living abroad, but I myself haven't personally dealt with it in so long! Just small trips of 1 month or less... I miss living abroad sometimes.
BUT, I should really be better about living in my area. As much as the Washington, DC is not a place I have ever really considered as 'home,' it does have A LOT to do and I need to go back to doing stuff. (ok- when it gets cooler and easier to breathe outside) I always took advantage in university, but now that I live and work outside DC proper, I don't do as much as I used to.
Which is pretty sad... ;(

On THAT note- I think I may become addicted to the news reports for "Real Housewives of D.C." Not the show itself - it was 'eh'- but I LOOOOVE the articles that have been written about this show. A few of my favorites:
NY Times: Capital Cattiness
"She boasts that she runs the top modeling agency in Washington, which is a little like claiming to be the No. 1 car manufacturer in Charleston, S.C."
Washington Post: Real Housewives Homepage
"Lynda Erkiletian runs "the top modeling agency in Washingotn, D.C."(How many others are there, Lynda? We'll never let her live that down!)We see her auditioning some models, and she explains that "we cater to the ambassadors, to the dignitaries" (Note to self: At next embassy party, ask what they're hiring models for.)" - HAHAHA!!!! Of course, it does kinda' sound like she runs an escort service...
I have that on my DVR and I hope it get's a bit better as the season goes on; I AM pleased that it's not all about the Salahi's- although I, of course, like to know the end event and to see it speeding towards that wreak... (ok, that is mean. But, SERIOUSLY? You actually crashed a White House party?)
Oh- there was also an article and I can't remember where it was, but it did mention how pretty much ALL of D.C is full of wanta-be's; something I totally agree with... It's not like there are many 'old wealth' or just plain 'old' families in the DC area! It's such a transitional area- I think you can go back maybe 3 generations in most cases...!
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