So, F---- was great and make our meal. F---- is a WONDERFUL cook and has a great eye for making food yummy :) He made rice (with macaroni - did you know that Rice a Ronni actually came from an Armenian recipe?) and Malukhiyah (also known as Jews Mallow) with salad and quail and left over samboosik. It was very good, but I still wasn't feeling so good so I had soup. (I should have had the Malukhiyah)
A note on Malukhiyah - it's pretty much THE comfort food of the Middle East... or at least the Levant area. I have yet to meet someone from that area who doesn't LOVE Malukhiyah and pretty much think of it as a main comfort food. I like it, but I actually pretty much only like it how F---- and his family does it. They put in the rice amount of garlic and they also BLEND the entire thing once cooked - something I think that makes it nicer to eat. I also (being American and all) prefer to eat it with khobez (Arabic bread) over rice. I like my rice alone :)
Tonight, F---- said he went out and bought me MY comfort food: Lentil soup. :) It's actually pretty easy to make the soup, but I have yet to do it and there is a Lebanese place in Vienna that makes it like I like it (ie: blend the lentils). I'm thinking that I may either just have left overs from yesterday or make fish (haddock) that we got from Whole Foods this weekend. They had free samples and it was SOOOOO good!!! :) I NEVER cook fish, but it seemed easy enough...
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