What's new? My mom and sister-in-law has gone back to Jordan and the house is very empty without them! :( I know that baby Z misses them a lot. It was nice having them here to be with F and Z during the day and REALLY nice to give baby Z constant Arabic exposure. Now, she must suffer with my bad pronunciations....
I think that a new 'generation' of students are coming into university. First off, with all of the fast changes in technology, one group of students is always pretty different from the previous one because of the technology they have grown up with. But, overall we can see some shared characteristics in groups. The group of students for the past 6-8 years or so has been a rather interesting group with what I have seen as being VERY driven, knowing what they want and WILL ask for what they want, but at the same time being HIGHLY dependent on support networks. With this new group of students, they have that aspect to them, but they are much more independent than the previous group on their parents. Which, from a university staff viewpoint, is a good thing. I fully expect for students to communicate with their parents and I am VERY happy to provide any information I can to parents to help them understand the university system, but when it comes down to day-to-day things... the students themselves should be able to make those decisions!! :)